
I am selling 20 articles on Health and fitness. These articles are :

-- Well written
--300 words
-- Unique and copyscape passed
--Titles are catchy

Here are the topics:

1. Lose weight fast, the best way to burn fat even whilst you sleep.

Content: Weight and interval training as a way to burn fat

2. Lose Weight Diet

Content: How diet and interval training combined are by far the best way to lose weight and keep it off

3. Free Weight Loss, Come and try us out for FREE

Content: Physcolgical benefits of group training, why getting in shape is more than just physical

4. Best Diet Plan

Content: Low glycolic load foods that balance blood sugar will guarantee success in your weight loss goals

5. Depression, can exercise REALLY help?

Content: Good scientific studies and data to show exercise alleviates depression

6. Depression, is diet a factor?

Content: Good scientific data and studies to show how certain foods and supplements can alleviate depression

7. The best workouts for your teenager?

Content: How resistance work as oppose to aerobic work is more beneficial for teenagers

8. Why exercise makes you smarter

Content: How exercise spurs on the production of neurons

9. 10 habits that will save your life

Content: Focus on modern diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and then take 10 habits in dietary and exercise that will help prevent those diseases.

10. Fight Ageing with the right exercise

Content: Focus on weight bearing/resistance exercise being the best exercise to improve bone density, balance, coordination and cardiovascular

11. 10 helpful tips for running your first marathon

Content: Focus on the training preparation, injury risk, the right clothing, footwear, finding a good training partner/group, making it fun etc etc

12. 5 exercises you should never do

Content: See article by Dean Anderson, Fitness Expert on Spark People and modify

13. FAQ's on Fitness

Content: Feature 15 top questions related to commonly asked fitness questions, again Spark People is a good reference source, be sure not to copy though!

14. FAQ's on Nutrition

Content: As above but on nutrition

15. Winning the motivational medal

Content: An article on finding the motivation to sty on track with your diet and fitness

16. Simple Yes/No food list to choose from

Content: Based on low glycemic load foods a list of Yes/No/Maybe foods that will balance your blood sugar

17. Add variety into your aerobic workouts

Content: How to vary intensity, variety with different forms of aerobic activity, resistance etc

18. 5 exercises every woman should know and do

Content: Squats, with drawings and full explanation and why, then the same for exercises relating to Triceps extensions, Lower abdominal, Glute exercise, and chest

19. Essential workout for the over 40's, turn back the clock!

Content: Benefits of strength training, especially for the older adult

20. What should I eat after I exercise?