Better nutrition for your child's health
Trying to get children to eat a healthy diet is not an easy task. In my personal experience, my daughter has begged for a lollipop for dinner (among other junk food) and my son recently cried for 20 minutes because he wanted lasagna for breakfast. I prefer a healthy breakfast of fruit (banana), a grain (granola) and dairy (yogurt) but I guess a carbohydrate (lasagna) is better than nothing for the most important meal of the day. However, I did not give in to my son's request; I didn’t give in to the lollipop idea to serve as my daughter's dinner either. I am positive that I am not the only parent experiencing meal-time drama with their children. How do you get past the situation with the least amount of fighting and the most amount of healthy food? As promised, here is part two of yesterday's post, which provides tips for a more pleasant and healthier meal-time experience:
1. Model healthy eating: If you would like your kids to eat healthy, it’s probably a good idea for you to stay out of pizza parlors yourself. I am sure this goes for many behaviors but the more nutritious you are will have your kids follow suit.
2. Let your kids control the meal: The more an adult bribes a child to eat their veggies so they can get a “reward” (dessert), the more the child will dislike peas and will enjoy the unhealthy “reward."
3. Don’t become your kid’s personal chef: Try to vary the menu, not just cook what your kids want to eat, hence becoming their personal chef. Varying the menu will expose them to new foods rather than just sticking pizza and other favorites on their plates every night.
4. Stick to similar foods: If your kids happen to like mashed sweet potatoes, try to push mashed carrots at the next meal. They have a similar look and color.
5. Skip the arguments: Research shows the more you argue with your children, the more they will dislike the food you are trying to push.Unfortunately, nutrition (and fitness) is not an exact science. The key is to stay strong as a parent. There is nothing more important than your child’s health. Nutrition is a huge part of their health. Test the above tips and enjoy a fun and healthy dining experience with your children!